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Side:Danmarks Riges Historie - vol 1.djvu/305

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Wulfstans Rejseberetning.

Fil:Danmarks Riges Historie vol.1 283.jpg
93. Af et Haandskrift af Kong Alfreds Beskrivelse af Europa i British Museum. 23[1].
  1. [on þæt bæebord Norð]weg. Wið suðan þone Sciringes heal fylð swyðe mycel sæ up in on ðæt land: seo is bradre þomne ænig man oferseon mæge; and is Gótland on oðre healfe ongean, and siðða Sillende. Seo sæ lið mænig hund mila up in on þæt land. And of Sciringes heale hé cwæð þæt he séglode on fif dagan to þæm porte þe mon hæt æt Hæþum, sé stent betuh Winedum and Seaxum and Angle and hyrð in on Dene. Þa hé þiðerweard séglode fram Sciringes heale, þa wæs him on þæt bæcbord Dénamearc; and on þæt steorbord wid sæ þry dagas; and þá twegen dagas ær he to Hæþum come, him wæs on þæt steorbord Gotland and Sillende and iglanda fela. On þæm landum eardodon Engle, ær hí hider on land coman. And hym wæs dá twegen dagas on ðæt bæcbord þa igland þe in Denemearce hyrað. Wulfstan sæde þæt he gefóre of Hæðum þæt he wære on Truso on syfan dagum and nihtum þæt þæt scip wæs ealne weg yrnende under segle. Weonoðland him wæs on steorbord; and on bæcbord him wæs Langa land and Læland and Falster [and Scóneg].
